The Unwritten Rules of a Healthy Diet For Preventing and Controlling NCDs

Healthy diet is one of the major keys to long life. A well-balanced and nutritious diet is important for good nutrition and good health. It protects you from several major noncommunicable diseases, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Consuming less fat, salt and sugar, and eating a wide variety of organic foods and natural fats, […]

The Benefits of Gum Massage Therapy for Your Oral Health

We are all aware of the importance of regular brushing and flossing for overall dental health. Gum massage is another technique that can also improve overall gum health and help to speed healing and fight against oral diseases such as gingivitis and tooth loss. By going to a Waterloo registered massage therapy, you improve your […]

Understanding the Essential Functions of Protein in the Human Body

As a kid, you likely learned about the food pyramid in school. The pyramid has fatty foods on top, high-carb bread and pasta on the bottom, and fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and meat somewhere in between. While this diagram is useful for kids, it doesn’t tell the whole story of macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and what […]

The Connection Between Nutrition, Probiotics, and Hair Loss

Probiotics have long been praised in the health and wellness industry because of its claim to have various health benefits. The Since there is a strong link between nutrition, gut health, and the hairline, it begs the question if probiotics can also impact hair growth. Today we’re covering the basics of probiotics and how they […]

What are Superfoods – Everything You Need To Know

Lately, there has been a lot of buzz going around ‘superfoods’ all over the internet and the media. From celebrities to health and beauty brands, everybody is vouching for superfoods. But literally, what are superfoods? And why are people making hype about it? Superfood is a relatively new term that refers to foods that offer […]

At-Home Bodywork Techniques to Help You Sleep Deeply and Wake Up Refreshed

Sometimes, the simplest things in our lives can create the biggest impact on our well-being. Nowhere is this as true as in the realm of sleep and adequate rest! During the night, your body goes through critical processes to detoxify, rebuild and restore itself for the coming day. If you are consistently not sleeping well, […]

The Best Ingredients to Add to Your Herbalife Nutrition Shakes

Herbalife Nutrition meal replacement shakes are designed to give you the vitamins, minerals, and protein that you need to achieve your daily nutrition goals. The company has a wide range of options including shakes that help people with weight loss and shakes that give athletes the nutrition they need to perform longer during strenuous workouts […]